Aging is
inevitable for anybody, but aging beautifully is a different thing. But when
the natural youthfulness dies down, and wrinkles crop up along with laugh
lines, it is time to enhance your beauty cosmetically. Face lifts by Botox have
become a common vocabulary in a woman’s life today.
When Botox
became available as a beauty treatment six years ago it was hailed by many as
nothing short of a miracle. Botox injections may sound like scientific
wizardry, but they are a natural solution. The name comes from an entirely safe
natural protein called Botulinum Toxin. Botox is a non-surgical treatment .Doctors,
dentists and nurses are all suitably qualified to perform this treatment. I am
a nurse and even I can perform this simple yet effective procedure to set the
wrinkles straight and erase laugh lines.
procedure is painless and it takes about a couple of weeks for the Botox to
become effective with full force. There are no side effects whatsoever and all
you need is to avoid alcohol and strenuous exercise.
First time
patients always have doubts and questions about the effectiveness and the
longevity of Botox. As a nurse, I reassure them and explain in detail about Botox
treatments. It is a simple way of obtaining quick and long lasting results to
make one look instantly younger. Botox is effective for three months and can be
repeated without any issues. I always provide general advice to clients
regarding alcohol consumption, exercise, flying and head position everything
that effects the treatment.
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