Thursday, December 25, 2014

Your Page Needs to Lose Wait...

If you like a site and tried to open it, but the site takes a lot of time to open, what would be your reaction? You will definitely close it. Your site speed should be a priority as slow sites decrease customer satisfaction and research has shown that an improvement in site speed can increase conversions.

Google announced “Using site speed in web search ranking” in April 2010. Since then, website owners, bloggers are all trying all ways and means to make their page load time optimum. The page load time is very much dependent on the visitor's internet connection, ram ,and CPU speed.

Improving a site’s page loading time can be a rather laborious task; it requires thoughtful planning, significant resources, benchmarking, flawless execution, thorough testing and evaluation. Particularly for enterprise sites planning and testing can take several months and requires collaboration between different teams. You need to first measure the page speed of your website or blog, and accordingly you have to optimize your codes, files and upgrade your server in order to increase your page load speed.

A sluggish site discourages browsing and if there are similar sites offering the same service, providing a fast browsing experiencing may just be the deciding factor as to where your visitors end up browsing / buying. Slow loading pages can also have a direct negative impact on indexation. The bottom line is that getting more pages in Google’s index has the potential to increase traffic. Having more pages indexed means that there will be more keywords with ranking potential.

Page load speed does not always effect rankings, but it may affect the visibility and popularity of your site is it is really slow. You should not be obsessing too much about the rankings or the page load speed, but given a chance, time or budget, try to speed up your site.

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